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Yes2dev uses your logo, colors and fonts to instantly create hundreds of branded marketing materials in one place

a propos
Web development

We design professional websites for all types of companies and web applications for all types of projects

digital marketing
Digital Marketing & SEO

We support businesses in their digital transformation by offering our services of: Media Production, Communications, Digital Marketing, and more

mobile development
Mobile development

We design professional mobile applications for all types of companies and for all types of projects

Services of consulting

We partner with our clients to transform their organizations, integrate technology into everything they do, and build sustainable capabilities


Maximize your visibility by collaborating with our advertising experts for effective and measurable strategies. Propel your brand with Yes2dev

advanced services

Other Services.

web hosting
In order to ensure reliability and continuity, Yes2dev supports the hosting of its clients' projects, the rental of a dedicated server.
audit consulting
Strong experience in the deployment of SAGE management solutions or high-performance and secure IT infrastructures.
web writing
We offer you our expertise so that you get the content and the hook that will make the difference.
marketing strategy
Developing a digital strategy that allows you to define the personality and type of content to offer your target audience in order to meet your marketing objectives.
e-commerce website
For a better customer experience, we design e-commerce sites with an approach that puts the needs of users at the centre of our concerns.
custom development
A tailor-made website is an essential communication medium. It gives you a personalized identification with a development adapted to your existing infrastructure.
We design solutions to centralize your data and manage your business (sales, management, production, accounting, logistics, HR, etc.).
web referencing
Our experts accompany you to improve the visibility of your site in search engines.
showcase website
Attractive and efficient websites in line with our customers' expectations and requirements. SEO optimization by sector of activity.

Incredible skills.

We never hesitate in your support, and we never lose sight of our main mission: serving our clients.

Professional integrity

Are you ready to start your project?
More than projects, our clients are partners that we support on the road to success. Find out who we trusted and how we helped them set up or expand their businesses.


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